On 22 October in Poznan, the polish team organised a workshop for interested local partners as part of the research project “Inclusive Transition towards Electric Mobility: Oslo, Poznan, Utrecht, Bristol”. The main objective of the project is to investigate the development of electric mobility in cities and to develop solutions in that matter, so that the process of transition will meet social justice criteria. Poznan, together with Oslo, Utrecht and Bristol, is one of the four European cities where research and actions concerning the design of fair transport policy are carried out.

During workshop, the polish team was mostly interested in collecting data and opinions on electromobility from representatives working in different fields related to electromobility. They tried to answer two main questions: How and for whom to develop electric mobility in cities? How is it done in Poznan and how in other European cities? Ultimately, they also wanted to find out what our local partners expect from the ITEM project going forward.

Experts from different fields took part in the workshop, everyone connected by the common theme of electromobility. Among others, they worked with representatives of business (Municipal Transport Company) and the public and scientific sector (Poznań City Hall, representatives of Adam Mickiewicz University, University of Szczecin, Ministry of Climate and Environment). The representatives of the Youth Climate Strike and the Youth City Council also came in a large group.

At the very beginning of the workshop polish researchers had the opportunity to get to know the opinions and personal choices of the workshop participants concerning the future choice of electrically powered transport. During the first stage of our discussions they tried to answer the question 'what does a fair transition to electric mobility mean in practice?'. Working in groups, workshop participants listed different variables, assigning them to the three pillars of justice: distributive, procedural and recognition. The conclusions of the workshop will soon be available on the website, social media and within the articles.

Another considered issue was the benefits and losses associated with the development of electromobility in Poznan and Poland. Summing up this fruitful discussion, we concluded that the business focused on battery production and - in the long run - the society will benefit the most. On the other hand, they diagnosed that – even though this should not happen – due to the transition to electromobility one group will bear costs. It will be the automotive industry and its employees, who will face the problem of retraining, as well as automation and robotisation of work. The conclusion was the demand for a comprehensive system change, covering all areas of life - from the replacement of cars with electric ones to values and care for the environment.

During the workshop the polish team hold also a conference part, where the latest data were presented on the development of electromobility in Poland and the world - with particular emphasis on the partner cities of the ITEM project (Oslo, Utrecht, Bristol). Researchers had the opportunity to use this information in subsequent group discussions, during which they focused on the case of Poznan. We asked the question: how is and how should electromobility develop in this city?

Thanks to continuous brainstorming with such a diverse group of experts, the polish team was able to consider how to complement further research of the ITEM project. Our local partners would most like to know:


- What is the tolerance level for introducing new regulations on electromobility?

- What are the options for new policies and what is the timing of their introduction?

- What possibilities do we have for knowledge dissemination and what specific knowledge should be provided?

The second request was the need to transfer good practices from our foreign partners, so that it will be easier to implement changes locally and in the national area. Finally, it was decided that they would design some of the further research tools together to make the data collection process as effective as possible. The polish research team is very much looking forward to further cooperation with the local participants.

Expert’s participation in the workshop, as leading experts and leaders in electromobility change, was a valuable contribution to our better understanding of the processes taking place. On the basis of their cooperation and reflections, researchers will be able to better prepare further studies and develop conclusions that will be valuable not only from a scientific, but also from a practical point of view. They do believe that the participation in the project in turn has provided interesting knowledge, data, and practical solutions for electromobility from different economic, infrastructural and cultural contexts. The polish team also hope that it has allowed to establish or deepen cooperation with local partners. Participation in ITEM is also a prestige and visibility resulting from participation in an international undertaking, the effects of which will be discussed in scientific and industry literature and at meetings in various places in Europe. Researchers are look forward to further collaboration, the desire for which the whole group felt during the workshop.

Finally, it is worth to mention that the ITEM project is funded by the National Science Centre and the European Union through the ERA-NET Urban Accessibility and Connectivity programme. It is led by the Institute of Transport Economics at the University of Oslo and partnered by Utrecht University, Oxford University and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan together with the research company Heksagon Research.